Instructions to the authors of the „Economist“ magazine
Send your papers to the following email address:
Additional information at:
Prepare your papers according to the following technical instructions:
- Authors send their papers in the Serbian language in the Cyrillic or Latin alphabet.
- Volume of the paper should be about 22,000 characters without spaces, or a maximum of 10 pages.
- The paper should be prepared on a computer, Microsoft Office Word for Windows.
- Paper format: ISO B5 (176×250 mm), margins: left 25 mm, top/bottom/right 20 mm. Font: Times New Roman, Line spacing: Single, Spacing: before = 0, after = 0.
- Title of the work: centered, size 12 pt, bold, all capital letters and maximum two lines.
- One blank line (12 pt)
- Surname and first name of the author, size 11 pt, bold, italic, only the first letter capitalised.
- In the footnote, state the following: first name (forename) and surname (last name), academic/scientific title, organisation/institution, full address, telephone number and e-mail address. All footnotes format: size 10 pt.
- One blank line (11 pt).
- The word „Abstract“, centered, size 11 pt, bold, italic.
- Abstract content: up to 150 words, double-sided alignment, size 11 pt, italic, Spacing: before = 6, after = 6.
- The word „Keywords“ followed by key words, size 11 pt, italic, list a maximum of 5 key words.
- Main headings (e.g. 1. Introduction) have a serial number, first letter uppercase, size 11 pt, bold, centered. Spacing: before = 12, after = 6.
- The text of the paper: size 11, double alignment. Spacing: before = 6, after = 6.
- Subtitles have the serial number of the title and the serial number of subtitles (e.g. 1.1. Introductory notes), the first letter is capital, size 11 pt, centered. Spacing: before = 12, after = 6.
- Write the title of the table above the table, and the title of the graph/image/scheme below the graph/image/scheme, size 10 pt, bold, italic, Spacing: before = 6, after = 0, double-aligned, in Serbian and English (Table 1./Graph 1./Figure 1./Scheme 1.)
- The complete table, size 10, normal, and the source of the table/graph/picture/scheme should be written below the table/graph/picture/scheme, size 10, italic, right alignment. Spacing: before = 0, after = 6.
- The citation of the author is indicated in parentheses and begins with the last name of the first author and the letters „et al“ (if there are more than one author) and the year of publication of the work/paper of the cited author.
- To cite Web sources, it is necessary to state the basic Web address in the text, and the full address with the date of the last access in the literature
- The literature is listed in alphabetical order according to the last name of the author, with a serial number. Font Size 11. Spacing: before = 0, after = 0. Only cited titles can be found in the list of literature.
- Cited Internet addresses are given as a complete link, and the date of the last access is given in parentheses.
- On a new page, write the title of the work in English, the first names and surnames of the authors (in the footnote of the data about the authors), the Abstract, the text of the Abstract in English and Keywords according to the rules that also apply to the text in Serbian.
The text of the paper must be edited according to the technical instructions in order to be published.
Editorial board of the „Ekonomist“ magazine
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